A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – PREFACE

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER I
Ancient Iberia. The Basques. The Keltberians. The Phenicians. Cadiz Founded.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER II
Struggle between Phenicians and Assyrians. Founding of Carthage. Decline of Phenicia. Rise of Roman Power. First Punic War.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER III
Hamilcar. Hannibal. Siege and Fall of Saguntum. Rome Invades Spain. Scipio’s Policy. Cadiz, (Gades) Surrendered to the Romans. By What Steps IBERIA Became SPAIN. Fall of Carthaginian Power. How Spain Became a Roman Province.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER IV
Sertorius. Story of the White Hind. Rome Fights Her Own Battles on Spanish Soil. Battle of Munda. Caesar Declared Dictator. The Ides of March. Octavius Augustus. Spain Latinized. Four Hundred Years of Peace.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER V
Northern Races in the History of Civilization. Roman Empire Expiring. Ataulfus. Attila and the Huns. Theodoric. Evaric Completes Conquest of Spanish Peninsula. Europe Teutonized. Difference between Anglo-Saxon and Latin Races.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER VI
Ulfilas. Arianism. The Spanish Language. Brunhilde. Leovigild. His Son’s Apostasy. Arianism Ceases to be the Established Religion of Spain.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER VII
Toledo. Church of Santa Maria. Wamba.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER VIII
Decline of Visigoths. Roderick. Count Julian’s Treachery. Mahommedanism. Tarif. Prophecy Found in the Enchanted Tower. Tarik. Roderick’s Defeat and Death. Moslem Empire Established in Spain.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER IX
Musa’s Dream of European Conquest. Charles Martel. Characteristics of Mahommedan Rule. Mission of the Saracen in Europe. The Germ of a Christian Kingdom in the North of Spain.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER X
Pelayo and the Cave of Covadonga. Alfonso I. Berbers and Arabs at War on African Coast. War Extends to Spain. The Omeyyad Khalifs Superseded by the Abbasides. Abd-er-Rahman. Omeyyad Dynasty Established at Cordova. Ineffectual Attempt of the Abbasides to Overthrow Abd-er-Rahman. Character of This Conqueror.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XI
Charlemagne. Battle of Roncesvalles.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XII
Conditions after Death of Abd-er-Rahman. Abd-er-Rahman II. Arab Refinements. Eulogius and the Christian Martyrs. Abd-er-Rahman III. A Khalifate at Cordova. The Great Mosque. The City of “The Fairest”. Death of Abd-er-Rahman III.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XIII
Rough Cradle of a Spanish Nationality in the Asturias. Alfonso III. and His Hidalgos and Dons. Guerrilla Warfare with Moors. Jealousies and Strife between Christian Kingdoms. Civil War. Almanzor. Ruin of Christian State Seemed Imminent. Death of Almanzor. Berber Revolt. Anarchy in Moorish State. A Khalif Begging a Crust of Bread. Berbers Destroy Cordova. Library Burned. City of “The Fairest” a Ruin. Asturias. Leon and Castile United. Alfonso VI. The Cid. Triumph of Christians. Moors Ask Aid of the Almoravides. Christians Driven Back. Death of the Cid. A Dynasty of the Almoravides. The Alhomades. The Great Mahdi. Moorish People Become Subject to Emperor of Morocco. His Designs upon Europe. The Pope Proclaims a Crusade. Alhomades Driven Out of Spain by Christians. Moorish Kingdom Reduced to Province of Granada.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XIV
European Conditions in Thirteenth Century. Visigoth Kings Recover Their Land. Its Changed Conditions. Effect of Arab Civilization upon Spanish Nation. Fernando III. Spain Draws into Closer Companionship with European States. Alfonso X. Spain Becoming Picturesque. The Bull-Fight. Beautiful Granada. The Alhambra.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XV
Perpetual Civil War between Spanish States. Castile and Aragon Absorb the Others and in Conflict for Supremacy. Pedro the Cruel. The “Black Prince” His Champion against Aragon. John of Gaunt. His Claim upon the Throne of Castile. His Final Compromise. Political Conditions Contrasted with Those of Other States.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XVI
Death of Juan II. Enrique IV. Isabella. Her Marriage with Ferdinand of Aragon. Isabella Crowned Queen of Castile. Ferdinand, King of Aragon. The Two Crowns United. Characteristics of the Two Sovereigns. The Inquisition Created. Jews Driven out of the Kingdom. Abdul-Hassan’s Defiance. Zahara. Family Troubles at the Alhambra. Ayesha and Boabdil. Alhama Captured by Ferdinand. Boabdil Supplants His Father. Massacre of the Abencerrages. Granada Besieged. Its Capitulation. Moorish Rule Ended in Spain.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XVII
Columbus and Isabella. Isabella’s Private Griefs. Her Death. Charles, King under a Regency. Charles Elected Emperor of Germany. Spain during His Reign. Cruelties in the East and in the West. Vain Struggle with Protestantism. Abdication and Death of Charles.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XVIII
Philip II. Union of Spain and Portugal. The Duke of Alva in the Netherlands. War with England. Spanish Armada Destroyed. Death of Philip II. Spain’s Decline. Glory of the Name “Castilian”.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XIX
Philip III. Rebellion of the Moriscos. Last of the Moors Conveyed to African Coast. Don Quixote. Philip IV. Louis XIV. Marries Spanish Infanta. A Diminishing Kingdom. Carlos II. First Collision between Anglo-Saxon and Spaniard in America. Close of Hapsburg Dynasty in Spain.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XX
New European Conditions. Louis XIV. War of the “Spanish Succession”. Marlborough Checks Louis at Blenheim. Archduke Abandons Sovereignty in Spain. Peace of Utrecht. Further Dismemberment of Spain. Gibraltar Passes to England. Bourbon Dynasty. Commences with Philip V. Ferdinand VI. Carlos III. Expulsion of the Jesuits.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XXI
A Dismantled Kingdom. Spanish-American Colonies. England and France at War over American Boundaries. Spain the Ally of France. Loss of Some of Her West India Islands, and Capture of Havana and Manila by British. Florida Given in Exchange for Return of Conquered Territory. Growing Irritation against England. France Aids American Colonies in War with England. Spain’s Satisfaction at Their Success. Its Effect in Peru. Revolution in France. Rapid Rise of Napoleon. Carlos IV. Removed and Joseph Bonaparte King. Spain Joins Napoleon in War against England. Trafalgar. Arthur Wellesley. Joseph Flees from His Kingdom.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XXII
Liberal Sentiment Developing. Constitution of 1812. Ferdinand VI. and Reactionary Measures. Revolt of all the Spanish-American Colonies. The Holy Alliance. The Monroe Doctrine. Revolution in Spain. Spain under the Protectorate of the Holy Alliance. Ferdinand Reinstated. Two Political Parties. Six Spanish-American Colonies Freed.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XXIII
The Salic Law and the Princess Isabella. The Carlists. Regency of Christine. Isabella II. Her Expulsion from Spain. Amadeo. An Era of Republicanism. Castelar. Alfonso XII. Recalled. His Brief Reign and Death. Alfonso XIII.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – CHAPTER XXIV
Birth of an Insurgent Party in Cuba. Ten Years’ War. Impossible Reforms Promised. Revolution Started by Jose Marti, 1895. Attitude of the American Government. General Weyler’s Methods. Effect upon Sentiment in America. Destruction of the Battle-Ship Maine. Verdict of Court of Inquiry. War Declared between Spain and America. Victories of Manila and in Cuba. Terms of Peace. Marriage of Alfonso XIII. and the Princess Ena.

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – Appendix

A Short History Of Spain By Mary Platt Parmele – Summary

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