1. Be confident Being confident is very important. There is nothing worse than a man who wants to hide his shyness behind money. Although at first women may be surprised by male shyness (in a good way), it has long
3 simple things that harm love
Find out the 3 simple things that harm love! You love him, you are a couple and things seem to be fine. The rules according to which a couple works are many, the waves are always valid, others are valid
How to conquer a girl – the most useful tips
Science can help you in almost any situation. Even when it comes to ideas to help you increase your chances when trying to conquer a girl. Below are some tips from researchers that will help you conquer it. Give up
How do you choose your friends ?
Tell me who you’re with, so I can tell you who you are, says an old proverb. The way you choose your friends reveals a lot about you, but also about them. It is said that friends are the people
Distinctions between love and passion
There are some points by which we can distinguish true love from fleeting passion LOVE You want to share everything with the other; you are attentive to his needs, to his desires and aspirations; love is associated with self-esteem and
10 less obvious signs that your relationship has no future
It is wonderful to fall in love, we cannot deny this. But what happens when the relationship has reached a standstill? Some decide to start over and try again, while others choose to look for something new. No matter what
Misperceptions of love
Love is a rather complex phenomenon. It springs from within us and largely reflects our attitude towards ourselves. It is not in vain that it is said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But love is often confused with other feelings.
The myths of love
These pitfalls, spread among young people often lead to the formation of false beliefs about romantic love The myth “True love overcomes all things.” Reality. There are partners who believe that the love they have for each other will help
Couple problems … how to cure a dysfunctional relationship
All relationships require effort and some couples simply become powerless. People who do not take into account the needs of their partner or who neglect their partner, face serious problems in the relationship. The purpose of such behaviors is distraction,
Stages of interknowledge in couple relations
There are 3 successive stages in the process of interknowledge. Stage of stimuli → first impression, interpersonal attraction, etc. The stage of values → attitudes, beliefs compatible or not. Stage of roles → testing the compatibility of roles (how well